South America
1 oz dende` (palm oil, use vegetable instead)
12 oz onions, sliced thin
1 oz garlic, minced
3 oz green onions
2 oz ginger, grated
1 oz Manzano chili, minced
8 oz bell pepper, sliced thin
1 lb tomato, concasse`
Salt & pepper to taste
½ bunch cilantro
Dash of fish seasoning (if available)
28 oz coconut milk
6 oz peanuts, roasted, ground
2 oz lime juice
1 cup day-old bread, soaked in 1 cup water and pureed
2 lbs shrimp, peeled, deveined
Rice (cook separately)
1 lb masarepa
1.5 tsp salt
4 cups warm water (you may need to adjust the amount)
The Vatapa was incredibly delicious, I would make it again many times. There would be no changes made if I were to make it again. The arepas tasted good, though not traditional, and were closer to fried polenta than the traditional texture of arepas.